Thursday, August 14, 2008

2nd day in a row - NO TAKE-OUT!!!

We did it!! We ate 3 meals at home today! We did spend money, though. We went to Wal-mart and put a layaway on for Xmas. We bought milk and kitty litter, too. Then we went to the grocery store and spent $15 on food - convenience food, but food no less. I am happy with the way things turned out. M will be getting a cheque for around $100 tomorrow and we'll be putting that money away because we have to pay K's school fees on the 21st.

I used Gail's interactive budget worksheet today to get an idea of what we'll need to put into our jars. M and I will sit down tomorrow and tweak the numbers to suit us, but it's crazy to think that we'll be paying bills on time, paying off debt, AND building a savings account!

Tomorrow is week 2 of the kids' allowances, too. K suggested a family meeting each Friday to discuss how they did with their money, so I'm looking forward to finding out what they think about how they did. K is a spender, but she's always very generous with her money. This week she spent all of her allowance (on herself for a change!) and the $5 my cousin gave her. J hates to spend money, but when he does he spends it all on himself. He has $16. He spent some of his allowance, my cousin gave him $5 and he had some money left over from the grandparents. He was looking to buy cheap pants and asked that we take him to Value Village tomorrow. :)

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