Monday, August 11, 2008

Day Two

We went out to eat today (bad, bad, bad!) but we only (only??) spent $62 and we have enough food left over for lunch and supper tomorrow. After dinner we went to the dollar store. We bought a notebook for each of the kids to track their finances and they each took the time to write down how much their allowance was, and they wrote down each purchase. I'm really excited, because I think that when they are adults they'll have a clue. Growing up my family didn't teach me anything about money. They had no savings. They didn't budget for anything. I want things to be different for J & K.

M & I also bought two piggy banks which can't be opened. One is for quarters, one is for toonies and loonies. At the end of the night we put our change in the banks. :) I think it's a great start!

M has her final interview tomorrow!! I know she's going to get the job. As I said earlier, it's not a job she will be keeping, but she will stay there until she finds something she actually likes. In the meantime I'm planning what we'll be doing with the extra money. As I said earlier, we're behind on our car payment, so it's going to hurt us to have to pay two car payments this month. Luckily, M will be getting a 3 week paycheque on Sept 5 so if we can hold off our landlord until Sept 5, the extra car payment shouldn't hurt us too badly.

In September we'll be adding an expense - K's after school care. It's going to be around $140 / mth. Pretty good, considering they run until 6:00.

I'm a little stressed about school supplies and school clothes, though. We'll have to get the school supplies on my next pay (the 22nd), and on Oct 1 when I get the $975 child assistance we'll use it for the kids' clothes.

I'm so looking forward to the time in our lives when we'll have money in the bank.

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