Saturday, August 23, 2008

A bump in the road

I'm feeling quite discouraged today. I had all these plans to start the real, new and improved budget on September 5 - I figured that day would be easiest because it is my payday (2 weeks) and M's first pay (3 weeks) so we'd have extra money. It turns out she got paid this Friday for her first pay for 1 week, so on Sept 5 she'll have a regular 2 week pay. Well, I thought that would mean we could start our budget 2 weeks early because I wasn't counting on her having money in her account this week. As it turns out, she got paid just over $500 but her account was overdrawn $180, so she only got just over $300 dollars. Then, a car payment for the car that she voluntarily repossessed came out of the account, leaving her overdrawn by $12! So now we're in the same boat as we were this time last week (her account is overdrawn) but now we're going to have a full week's pay less next week.

I'm not sure how to fix this. Back to the drawing board. Wish me luck.

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